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Call for Papers

ICORES is sponsored by INSTICC – Institute for Systems and Technologies of Information, Control and Communication


The purpose of the International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems (ICORES) is to bring together researchers, engineers, faculty, and practitioners interested in both theoretical advances and practical applications in the field of operations research. Two simultaneous tracks will be held, covering on one side domain independent methodologies and technologies and on the other side practical work developed in specific application areas.

ICORES focuses on real world challenges; therefore authors should highlight the benefits of Operations Research Methodologies and Technologies for industry and services, either in general or for particular applications. Ideas on how to solve specific business problems as well as larger enterprise challenges, using operations research methodologies and technologies, will arise from the conference. Papers describing advanced prototypes, systems, case studies, tools and techniques and general survey papers indicating future directions are also encouraged. Papers describing original work are invited in any of the areas listed below. Accepted papers, presented at the conference by one of the authors, will be published in the Proceedings of ICORES. Acceptance will be based on quality, relevance and originality. Both full research reports and work-in-progress reports are welcome. There will be both formal oral presentations and informal poster sessions.

Special sessions focused on case-studies and commercial presentations, as well as tutorials for technical/scientific topics and practical applications are also envisaged: companies interested in presenting their products/methodologies or researchers interested in offering a tutorial are invited to contact the conference secretariat.


Each of these topic areas is expanded below but the sub-topics list is not exhaustive. Papers may address one or more of the listed sub-topics, although authors should not feel limited by them. Unlisted but related sub-topics are also acceptable, provided they fit in one of the following main topic areas:



  • Business Analytics/Management Sciences
  • Data Sciences
  • Decision Analysis
  • Design, Analysis, and Innovation for Enterprise Systems
  • Dynamic Programming
  • Forecasting
  • Game Theory
  • Industrial Engineering
  • Information Systems
  • Linear Programming
  • Network Optimization
  • Optimization
  • Predictive Analytics
  • Queuing Theory
  • Simulation
  • Stochastic Optimization
  • Stochastic Processes


  • AI/ML Applications in OR
  • Decision Support Systems
  • Environment and Sustainability
  • Optimization in Finance
  • OR in Education
  • OR in Emergency Management
  • OR in Energy
  • OR in Health
  • OR in Logistics, Maintenance, and Supply
  • OR in National Defense/International Security
  • OR in Telecommunications
  • OR in Transportation
  • Project Management
  • Resource Allocation
  • Risk Management
  • Robotics/Autonomous Systems
  • Routing
  • Scheduling
  • Supply Chain Management
  • Systems of Systems/Teams and Socio-Technical Systems


Samuel MonizFaculty of Sciences and Technology, University of Coimbra, Portugal
Marta SzachniukInstitute of Computing Science, Poznan University of Technology, Poland


Authors can submit their work in the form of a complete paper or an abstract, but please note that accepted abstracts are presented but not published in the proceedings of the conference. Complete papers can be submitted as a Regular Paper, representing completed and validated research, or as a Position Paper, portraying a short report of work in progress or an arguable opinion about an issue discussing ideas, facts, situations, methods, procedures or results of scientific research focused on one of the conference topic areas.

Authors should submit a paper in English, carefully checked for correct grammar and spelling, addressing one or several of the conference areas or topics. Each paper should clearly indicate the nature of its technical/scientific contribution, and the problems, domains or environments to which it is applicable. To facilitate the double-blind paper evaluation method, authors are kindly requested to produce and provide the paper WITHOUT any reference to any of the authors, including the authors’ personal details, the acknowledgments section of the paper and any other reference that may disclose the authors’ identity.

When submitting a complete paper please note that only original papers should be submitted. Authors are advised to read INSTICC's ethical norms regarding plagiarism and self-plagiarism thoroughly before submitting and must make sure that their submissions do not substantially overlap work which has been published elsewhere or simultaneously submitted to a journal or another conference with proceedings. Papers that contain any form of plagiarism will be rejected without reviews.

All papers must be submitted through the online submission platform PRIMORIS and should follow the instructions and templates that can be found under Guidelines and Templates. After the paper submission has been successfully completed, authors will receive an automatic confirmation e-mail.


All accepted complete papers will be published in the conference proceedings, under an ISBN reference, on paper and on digital support.
SCITEPRESS is a member of CrossRef ( and every paper on our digital library is given a DOI (Digital Object Identifier).
The proceedings will be submitted for indexation by SCOPUS, Google Scholar, DBLP, Semantic Scholar, EI and Web of Science / Conference Proceedings Citation Index.


Conference Date: 23 - 25 February, 2025

Paper Submission: October 2, 2024
Authors Notification:
December 4, 2024
Camera Ready and Registration:
December 20, 2024

Paper Submission: November 13, 2024
Authors Notification:
December 20, 2024
Camera Ready and Registration:
January 13, 2025

Workshop Proposal: October 17, 2024

Special Sessions
Special Session Proposal: October 17, 2024

Tutorial Proposal: January 17, 2025

Demo Proposal: January 17, 2025

Panel Proposal: January 17, 2025

Abstract Submission: January 7, 2025
Authors Notification: January 20, 2025
Camera Ready and Registration: January 28, 2025


ICORES Secretariat
Address: Avenida de S. Francisco Xavier, Lote 7 Cv. C
             2900-616 Setúbal - Portugal
Tel.: +351 265 520 185
Fax: +351 265 520 186


The conference will take place at the Vila Galé Porto hotel which is located in the beautiful and historical city of Porto in Portugal. Porto is considered to be one of the most beautiful historical towns in Portugal, with its remarkable architectural heritage shaped by history.


Greg H. ParlierGH Parlier Consulting, United States


Rainer SchlosserHasso Plattner Institute, Germany
Slawo WesolkowskiDepartment of National Defence, Canada


Babak Abbasi, School of Mathematical and Geospatial Sciences, RMIT University, Australia
António Abelha, INFORMÁTICA, Centro ALGORITMI, University of Minho, Portugal
El-Houssaine Aghezzaf, Department of Industrial Management, Ghent University, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Belgium
Agostinho Miguel Agra, CIDMA, University of Aveiro, Portugal
Gülsen Akman, Industrial Engineering, Kocaeli Üniversity, Turkey
Emel Aktas, Cranfield University, United Kingdom
Haneen Algethami, Computer science, Taif University, Saudi Arabia
Lionel Amodeo, Industrial Systems Optimization Laboratory, University of Technology of Troyes, France
Azmin Azliza Aziz, University of Malaya, Malaysia
Ameni Azzouz, Tunis Business School, University of Tunis, Tunisia
Farnaz Barzinpour, Industrial Enginieering, Iran University of Science and Technology, Iran, Islamic Republic of
Bernhard Bauer, Institute of Computer Science, University of Augsburg, Germany
Fevzi Belli, Izmir Institute of Technology Dept. Comp. Engineering Urla, Izmir Turkey, Izmir Institute of Technology, Turkey
Rachid Benmansour, Institut National de Statistique et d'Economie appliquée (INSEA), Morocco
David Bergman, University of Connecticut, United States
Arijit Bhattacharya, Norwich Business School, University of East Anglia, United Kingdom
Gianpiero Bianchi, Italian National Institute of Statistics "Istat", Rome, Italy
Mehdi Bijari, Industrial and Systems Eng., Isfahan University of Technology, Iran, Islamic Republic of
Jaouad Boukachour, Universite Le Havre Normandie, France
Burak Boyaci, Management Science Department, Lancaster University, United Kingdom
Kris Braekers, Hasselt University, Belgium
Nadjib Brahimi, Supply Chain Management and IS, Rennes School of Business, France
Marcus Brandenburg, School of Business, Flensburg University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Maria Elena Bruni, Department of Mechanical, Energy and Management, University of Calabria, Italy
Robert L. Burdett, School of Mathematical Sciences, Queensland University of Technology, Australia
Valentina Cacchiani, DEI, University of Bologna, Italy
Dragos Calitoiu, Department of National Defence, Canada
Francesco Carrabs, Mathematics, University of Salerno, Italy
Alberto Ceselli, Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy
Bo Chen, Warwick Business School, University of Warwick, United Kingdom
John Chinneck, Carleton University, Canada
Ademir Constantino, Department of Informatics, Universidade Estadual de Maringá, Brazil
Roberto Cordone, Computer Science Department, University of Milan, Italy
Lino Costa, Production and Systems Engineering, Universidade do Minho, Portugal
Fernando Luiz Cyrino Oliveira, Industrial Engineering, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Patrizia Daniele, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Catania, Italy
Tatjana Davidovic, Mathematical Institute, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Serbia
Clarisse Dhaenens, CRIStAL, University of Lille, France
Sarah Dunnett, Loughborough University, United Kingdom
Omar El Beqqali, Université Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah de Fès, Morocco
Mohamed ElWakil, Tanta University, Faculty of Engineering, Egypt
Alexander Engau, Management Science and Information Systems, Dalhousie University, Canada
Kurt J. Engemann, Center for Business Contintuity and Risk Management, Iona College, United States
Gunes Erdogan, University of Bath, United Kingdom
Nesim Erkip, Industrial Engineering, Bilkent University, Turkey
Luis Miguel F. Ferreira, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal
Jose M. Framinan, Industrial Management, Universidad de Sevilla, Spain
Antonio Fuduli, Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Calabria, Italy
Olivier Gallay, Faculty of Business and Economics, Department of Operations, University of Lausanne, Switzerland
Rodrigo A. Garrido, Industrial Engineering, Diego Portales University, Chile
Michel Gendreau, MAGI et CIRRELT, Polytechnique Montréal, Canada
Claudio Gentile, Institute for System Analysis and Computer Science "A. Ruberti", CNR-IASI, Italy
Giorgio Gnecco, IMT - School for Advanced Studies - Lucca, Italy
Helder Gomes Costa, Production Engineering, Fluminense Federal University, Brazil
Olivier Grunder, University of Technology of Belfort-Montbeliard, France
Francesca Guerriero, DIMEG, University of Calabria, Italy
Adel Guitouni, University of Victoria, Canada
Aldy Gunawan, Singapore Management University, Singapore
Zdenek Hanzálek, Industrial Informatics Department, CIIRC, CVUT, Czech Republic
Takashi Hasuike, Waseda University, Japan
Kenji Hatano, Faculty of Culture and Information Science, Doshisha University, Japan
Petri Helo, University Vaasa, Finland
Jillian A. Henderson, Defence Research and Development Canada, Canadian Department of National Defence, Canada
Hanno Hildmann, Intelligent Autonomous Systems, TNO, Netherlands
Sin C. Ho, Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Han Hoogeveen, Universiteit Utrecht, Netherlands
Laurent Houssin, LAAS-CNRS, France
Chenyi Hu, Computer Science and Engineering, The University of Central Arkansas, United States
Cagatay Iris, Department of Operations and Supply Chain Management, University of Liverpool, United Kingdom
Josef Jablonsky, Department of Econometrics, University of Economics, Czech Republic
Lisa Jackson, Loughborough University, United Kingdom
Antonio Jiménez-Martín, Campus de Montegancedo S/N, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain
Imed Kacem, LCOMS, Universite de Lorraine, France
Levent Kandiller, Yasar University, Turkey
Sie Long Kek, Tun Hussein Onn University, Malaysia
Athakorn Kengpol, Industrial Engineering, King Mongkut's University of Technology North Bangkok, Thailand
Philip Kilby, Independent Researcher, Australia
Cagri Koc, Social Sciences University of Ankara, Turkey
Joanna Kolodziej, Independent Researcher, Poland
Gregory Koronakos, Informatics, University of Piraeus, Greece
Edyta Kucharska, Department of Automatics Control and Robotics, AGH University of Krakow, Poland
Yong-Hong Kuo, Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Philippe Lacomme, Université Clermont-Ferrand 2 Blaise Pascal, France
Sotiria Lampoudi, Mast Reforestation, United States
Markus Leitner, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands
Dae-Eun Lim, Kangwon National University, Korea, Republic of
Rodrigo Linfati, University of Bio-Bio, Chile
Abdel Lisser, Laboratory of Signals and Systems, The University Paris Saclay - CentraleSupelec, France
Alberto Locatelli, Independent Researcher, Italy
André Andrade Longaray, Federal Foundation University of Rio Grande, Brazil
Pierre Lopez, LAAS-CNRS, Toulouse, France, France
Vicky Mak-Hau, Deakin University, Australia
Ahmad Makui, Industrial Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, Iran, Islamic Republic of
Renata Mansini, Department of Information Engineering, University of Brescia, Italy
Fabrizio Marinelli, Information Engineering, DII, Universita' Politecnica delle Marche, Italy
Concepción Maroto, Applied Statistics, Operations Research and Quality, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain
Sara Mattia, IASI, CNR, Italy
Umar M. Modibbo, Modibbo Adama University Yola Nigeria, Nigeria
Owen Molloy, School of Computer Science, University of Galway, Ireland
Jairo R. Montoya-Torres, Facultad de Ingenieria, Universidad de La Sabana, Colombia
Pedro Munari, Production Engineering Department, Federal University of São Carlos, Brazil
Pawel B. Myszkowski, Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Poland
Amir Nakib, LISSI, Université de Paris Est Créteil, France
David C. Novak, Grossman School of Business, University of Vermont, United States
Ceyda Oguz, College of Engineering, Koç University, Turkey
José Oliveira, Centre ALGORITMI, Universidade do Minho, Portugal
Selin Özpeynirci, Industrial Engineering, Izmir University of Economics, Turkey
Özgür Özpeynirci, Logistics Management, Izmir University of Economics, Turkey
Gina Maria Galindo Pacheco, University of the North, Colombia
Vangelis Paschos, LAMSADE, University Paris-Dauphine, France
Mauro Passacantando, Department of Business and Law, University of Milan-Bicocca, Italy
Ravi Patnayakuni, Management, Marketing and IS, University of Alabama in Huntsville, United States
Monalisha Pattnaik, Sambalpur University, India
Mario Pavone, v.le A. Doria 6, University of Catania, Italy
Puca Huachi V. Penna, UFOP, Brazil
Guido Perboli, DAUIN, Politecnico di Torino, Italy
Stefan Pickl, Department of Computer Science, UniBw München, Germany
Shaligram Pokharel, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Qatar University, Qatar
Ghaith Rabadi, School of Modeling, Simulation and Training, University of Central Florida, United States
Arash Rafiey, Department of Math and Computer Science, Indiana State University, United States
Günther Raidl, Institute of Logic and Computation, TU Wien, Austria
Cesar Rego, University of Mississippi, United States
Fouad Riane, Ecole Centrale Casablanca, Morocco
Celso Ribeiro, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Brazil
Helena S. Rodrigues, Escola Superior de Ciências Empresariais, Instituto Politécnico de Viana do Castelo, Portugal
Fabrizio Rossi, University of L'Aquila, Italy
Roberto Rossi, University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Indrajit Saha, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, National Institute of Technical Teachers' Training & Research,FC Block, Sector 3, Salt Lake City, Kolkata - 700106, India., National Institute of Technical Teachers' Training & Research, India
Matteo Salani, IDSIA - USI/SUPSI, Switzerland
Miguel A. Salido, Departamento De Sistemas Informáticos Y Computación, Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Spain
Marcello Sanguineti, DIBRIS, University of Genoa, Italy
Jürgen Sauer, Department of Computer Science, Carl von Ossietzky University, Germany
Laura Scrimali, Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica, University of Catania, Italy
Ahmed Shaban, Fayoum University, Egypt
Mohd Rizaimy Shaharudin, Research Nexus UiTM, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Malaysia
Adibah Shuib, Mathematics Department, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Malaysia
Giuseppe Stecca, Institute of Systems Analysis and Computer Science CNR-IASI, Italy
Thomas Stützle, CoDE-IRIDIA, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium
Wai Yuen Szeto, Civil Engineering Department, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Claudio M. Toledo, Sistemas de Computação, São Paulo University, Brazil
Weitian Tong, Computer Science, Georgia Southern University, United States
Ömür Tosun, Akdeniz University, Turkey
Chefi Triki, College if Sciences and Engineering, Hamad Bin Khalifa University, Qatar
Wa-Muzemba A. Tshibangu, 1701 E COLD SPRING LANE, BALTIMORE, MD 21251, USA, Morgan State University, United States
Metin Türkay, Industrial Engineering, Koc University, Turkey
Tonguç Ünlüyurt, Sabanci University, Turkey
Marjan van den Akker, Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University, Netherlands
Maria Vlasiou, Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Twente, Netherlands
Tomasz Wachowicz, University of Economics in Katowice, Poland
Cameron Walker, Engineering Science, University of Auckland, New Zealand
Lai Xu, Faculty of Science and Technology, Bournemouth University, United Kingdom
Yahaya Yusuf, University Central Lancashire, United Kingdom
Alain Zemkoho, University of Southampton, United Kingdom
Guoqing Zhang, University Windsor, Canada
Yiqiang Q. Zhao, Mathematics and Statistics, Carleton University, Canada

(list not yet complete)
