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Begoña Vitoriano
Statistics and Operational Research (Fac. Mathematical Sciences), Complutense University

Brief Bio
Begoña Vitoriano is Associate Professor at the Department of Statistics and Operational Research, Faculty of Mathematics, Complutense University of Madrid (Spain), where she obtained her Ph.D. degree in Mathematics (Operational Research). She also was a lecturer at the Department of Industrial Organisation and researcher of the Technological Research Institute in the Pontificia Comillas University of Madrid. Currently, she is also coordinator of the Master in Mathematical Engineering of the Complutense University. Begoña Vitoriano has been involved in research and development projects all along her career, especially in technology transferring taking part and leading quite a number of research projects. She is author of numerous research papers. Her areas of interest are Mathematical Programming (Integer and Stochastic Programming), Simulation, Game Theory and Multicriteria Decision Making, mostly focused on developing Decision Support Systems for planning and operation for several industrial sectors (e.g. power systems generation, railways transport, agricultural planning, disasters management and humanitarian logistics). It is in this sector of humanitarian logistics for disasters management where she is focusing currently her research, leading a team at the Complutense University with an international recognition. Besides she has got a big experience in Development Cooperation, leading several projects for El Salvador, Peru and Mozambique, and taking part of different Committees for Developing Countries (European Mathematical Society, IFORS, SEIO, CE-MAT...). ... More >>

Greg H. Parlier
GH Parlier Consulting
United States

Brief Bio
A West Point graduate and retired US Army Colonel, Greg is currently President, GH Parlier Consulting. A combat veteran with 5 operational deployments and service in over 20 foreign nations on 12 named operations, he was a paratroop commander in the 82nd Airborne Division for 8 years, air-ground battle staff officer, joint operations planner, and Army strategist. When he retired he was the Army's senior, most experienced Operations Research officer with assignments spanning land warfare analyses, manpower and personnel, program analysis and evaluation, and logistics. He was assistant then associate professor of Operations Research at West Point. For 12 years after retiring, he served on the research staff at the Institute for Defense Analyses where he was an advisor to several foreign governments and senior OR analyst supporting the multi-national forces command in Iraq. He is a distinguished graduate of the US Marine Corps Command and Staff College, National Defense Fellow at MIT, Army War College graduate, and recently was adjunct Professor of Operations Research at NC State University. Dr. Parlier holds advanced degrees in engineering, Operations Research, and international security, a certificate in political philosophy from Oxford, and was among the first to complete MIT Sloan's executive program in Management, Innovation, and Technology. He is past president of the Military Applications Society of INFORMS, was vice president for the Military Operations Research Society, fellow of the Inter-University Seminar on Armed Forces and Society, elected to the International Institute of Strategic Studies, and previously served as program co-chair for ICORES. ... More >>


Mohamed Abido, KFUPM, Saudi Arabia
A.A. Ageev, , Russian Federation
El-Houssaine Aghezzaf, Department of Industrial Management, Ghent University, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Belgium
Javier Alcaraz, AV. Universidad s/n. Edificio Torretamarit, Universidad Miguel Hernandez de Elche, Spain
Maria T. Almeida, Matemática, ISEG, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
Lyes Benyoucef, Polytech Marseille, Aix-Marseille University, France
Jean-Charles Billaut, Independent Researcher, France
Christian Blum, IKERBASQUE and University of the Basque Country, Spain
Ralf Borndörfer, Independent Researcher, Germany
Endre Boros, Rutgers University, United States
Ahmed Bufardi, Independent Researcher, Switzerland
Sujin Bureerat, Mechanical Engineering, KhonKaen University, Thailand
Dirk Cattrysse, Independent Researcher, Belgium
Bo Chen, Warwick Business School, University of Warwick, United Kingdom
John Chinneck, Carleton University, Canada
James Cochran, Department of Information Systems, Statistics and Management Science, University of Alabama, United States
Mikael Collan, School of Business, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland
Xavier Delorme, Henri Fayol Institute, Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Saint-Etienne, France
Clarisse Dhaenens, CRIStAL, University of Lille, France
Tadashi Dohi, Information Engineering, Hiroshima University, Japan
Nikolai Dokuchaev, Mathematics and Statistics, Curtin University, Australia
Christophe Duhamel, ISIMA, Université Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand, France
Pankaj Dutta, SJM School of Management, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India
Gintautas Dzemyda, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Vilnius University, Lithuania
Andrew Eberhard, School of Mathematical and Geospatial Sciences, RMIT University, Australia
Ali Emrouznejad, OIM, Aston Business School, Aston University, United Kingdom
Nesim Erkip, Industrial Engineering, Bilkent University, Turkey
Yahya Fathi, Industrial annd Systems Engineering, North Carolina State University, United States
Robert Fullér, Institute of Applied Mathematics, Obuda University, Hungary
Heng-Soon Gan, The University of Melbourne, Australia
Michel Gendreau, MAGI et CIRRELT, Polytechnique Montréal, Canada
Giorgio Gnecco, IMT - School for Advanced Studies - Lucca, Italy
Boris Goldengorin, Department of Discrete Mathematics, Moscow University of Physics and Technology, Russian Federation
Christelle Guéret, University of Angers, France
Nalan Gulpinar, Warwick Business School, The University of Warwick, United Kingdom
Gregory Z. Gutin, Royal Holloway University of London, United Kingdom
Jin-Kao Hao, Computer Science, University of Angers, France
Han Hoogeveen, Universiteit Utrecht, Netherlands
Chenyi Hu, Computer Science and Engineering, The University of Central Arkansas, United States
Johann Hurink, University of Twente, Netherlands
Josef Jablonsky, Department of Econometrics, University of Economics, Czech Republic
Joanna Józefowska, Institute of Computing Science, Poznan University of Technology, Poland
Jesuk Ko, 592-1 Jinwol-Dong, Nam-Gu, Gwangju University, Korea, Republic of
Erhun Kundakcioglu, Industrial Engineering, Ozyegin University, Turkey
Philippe Lacomme, Université Clermont-Ferrand 2 Blaise Pascal, France
Sotiria Lampoudi, Mast Reforestation, United States
Dario Landa-Silva, Computer Science, University of Nottingham, United Kingdom
Janny Leung, School of Science and Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen), China
Abdel Lisser, Laboratory of Signals and Systems, The University Paris Saclay - CentraleSupelec, France
Pierre Lopez, LAAS-CNRS, Toulouse, France, France
Viliam Makis, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, University of Toronto, Canada
Arnaud Malapert, Université Côte d'Azur, CNRS, I3S, France
Patrice Marcotte, Informatique et Recherche Opérationnelle (Computer and Operations Research), Université de Montréal, Canada
Concepción Maroto, Applied Statistics, Operations Research and Quality, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain
Pedro C. Martins, ISCAC, Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra, Portugal
Alfonso Mateos Caballero, Inteligencia Artificial, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain
Nimrod Megiddo, , United States
Carlo Meloni, DIAG, Sapienza Università di Roma, Italy
Marta Mesquita, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
Rym MHallah, Statistics and Operations Research, Kuwait University, Kuwait
Michele Monaci, DEI, Università degli Studi di Bologna, Italy
Jairo R. Montoya-Torres, Facultad de Ingenieria, Universidad de La Sabana, Colombia
Young Moon, Department Of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Syracuse University, United States
Muhammad Marwan Muhammad Fuad, Coventry University, United Kingdom
José Oliveira, Centre ALGORITMI, Universidade do Minho, Portugal
Mohammad Oskoorouchi, College of Business Administration, California State University-San Marcos, United States
Selin Özpeynirci, Industrial Engineering, Izmir University of Economics, Turkey
Panos Pardalos, University of Florida, United States
Sophie Parragh, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria
Vangelis Paschos, LAMSADE, University Paris-Dauphine, France
Ulrich Pferschy, Deptartment of Statistics and Operations Research, University of Graz, Austria
Cynthia Phillips, Discrete Mathematics and Complex Systems, Sandia National Laboratories, United States
Benedetto Piccoli, Rutgers University, United States
Diogo Pinheiro, Department of Mathematics, Brooklyn College of the City University of New York, United States
Jan Platos, Department of Computer Science, VSB - Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic
Arash Rafiey, Department of Math and Computer Science, Indiana State University, United States
Günther Raidl, Institute of Computer Graphics and Algorithms, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Helena Ramalhinho Lourenço, Economy and Business, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain
Celso Ribeiro, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Brazil
Andre Rossi, LAMSADE, Université Paris-Dauphine, France
Juan J. Salazar Gonzalez, Department of Statistics, Operations Research and Computer Science, Universidad de La Laguna, Spain
Ahti Salo, Aalto University, Finland
Marcello Sanguineti, DIBRIS, University of Genoa, Italy
Cem Saydam, Business Info. Sys. and Operations Management, University of North Carolina Charlotte, United States
Marc Sevaux, Lab-STICC, Université de Bretagne-Sud, France
Patrick Siarry, University Paris 12 (LiSSi), France
Greys Sosic, DSO, University of Southern California, United States
Thomas Stützle, CoDE-IRIDIA, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium
Alexis Tsoukiàs, Independent Researcher, France
José V. Valério de Carvalho, Dept Produção e Sistemas, Universidade do Minho, Portugal
Maria Vlasiou, Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Twente, Netherlands
Ling Wang, Dept of Automation, Tsinghua University, China
Santoso Wibowo, School of Engineering & Technology, Central Queensland University, Australia
Gerhard Woeginger, RWTH Aachen, Germany
Hongzhong Zhang, Statistics department, Columbia University, United States
Yiqiang Q. Zhao, Mathematics and Statistics, Carleton University, Canada
Sanming Zhou, School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Melbourne, Australia
Konstantinos Zografos, Management Science, Lancaster University Management School, United Kingdom
