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ICORES 2019 will be held in conjunction with ICAART 2019 and ICPRAM 2019.
Registration to ICORES allows free access to the ICAART and ICPRAM conferences (as a non-speaker).

The purpose of the International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems (ICORES) is to bring together researchers, engineers, faculty, and practitioners interested in both theoretical advances and practical applications in the field of operations research. Two simultaneous tracks will be held, covering on one side domain independent methodologies and technologies and on the other side practical work developed in specific application areas.

Conference Chair

Marc DemangeRMIT University, School of Science - Mathematical Sciences, Australia


Greg H. ParlierGH Parlier Consulting, United States
Federico LiberatoreCardiff University, United Kingdom

Keynote Speakers

Federico Della CrocePolitecnico di Torino, Italy
Helena Ramalhinho LourençoUniversitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain
Ronald GiachettiNaval Postgraduate School, United States

Science and Technology Publications, Lda

All papers presented at the conference venue
will be available at the SCITEPRESS Digital Library
(consult SCITEPRESS Ethics of Publication)

Communications in Computer and Information Science

It is planned to publish a short list of revised and
extended versions of presented papers with
Springer in a CCIS Series book

In Cooperation with:

Proceedings will be submitted for evaluation for indexing by:
